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Vision Black Stock Page - 2-Row / 2 Sided (5-Pack)

Item #: E2S

Sheet Color: Black
# of Pockets: 2
Pocket Size: 126mm (H)


 2 pockets for first day covers or postcards (Pack of 5 BLACK Sheets). Safe T Black pages are made of hard PVC and are 100% acid- and chemical softener-free. Size: 8-1/2" x 11". Safe T Sheets are punched to fit most 3-ring or 4-ring binders. Checkout our binders to store these great pages. 

Sheet Color: Black
# of Pockets: 2
Pocket Height: 126mm
Compatible Binders: 3-Ring or 4-Ring

Note: Images show stamps in the pages - No stamps are included with this product. For demonstration only.

Item Specifications

Item Subjects: Black, 2 Pocket, Vision Stock Sheets

Pages: 5

Weight: 0.3

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