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Volume 1 of the Scott Standard Catalogue of Postage Stamps

This volume is the first of six volumes of the Scott Standard Catalogue of Postage Stamps. 

The catalogs, in publication since 1868, are updated annually by our expert team of philatelists. Our team scours the globe hunting down all new issues and obtaining stamps from prior periods, across all the countries of the world where stamps are issued.

We then catalog each stamp, (scanning a high-resolution image of it using state-of-the-art scanning technology), assign in at Scott Number and then our valuing analysts research its value. The resulting value is included alongside the listing.

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Updated Annually

Volume 1 is updated annually and the new listings are released in April of each year.

Your Catalog, Your Way

We've made The Scott Catalogue available in both Print and Digital formats for your convenience. Learn a little about each:

Print Editions. We continue the proud tradition of publishing our printed, full-size, full-color catalogs on premium stock for your enjoyment. We've separated each volume into two books (Volume 1 A & Volume 1 B) to make each book lighter and easier to browse through and transport. No internet connection required.

Each year, we publish a brand new printed edition consisting of updates from the prior year.

Digital Subscriptions. We offer a Digital Subscription of each essential volume of The Scott Catalogue, including Volume 1. With the Digital Subscription is packed with features simply not possible in print, like search and zoom. Better yet, they offer unprecedented efficiency thanks to a powerful features that lets you search topics across multiple countries. Works on almost any device with an internet browser. All you need is an internet connection.

With the Digital Subscription, you'll automatically receive the updated edition each year in April.

What's in Volume 1?

Volume 1 includes listings for the United States and the United Nations, plus countries of the world beginning with letters A and B. These begin with Abu Dhabi and end with Bushire. In addition to the United States and United Nations, other notable countries include Australia and Brazil. All Scott catalogs include both existing countries and those that no longer exist (but at one time produced stamps).

Volume 1 includes over 60 countries (past and present). The main countries included in Volume 1 are as follows:

United States - Afghanistan - Aitutaki - Albania - Algeria - Andorra (French / Spanish) - Angola - Anguilla - Antigua - Argentina - Armenia - Aruba - Ascension - Australia - Australian Antarctic Territory - Austria - Azerbaijan - Bahamas - Bahrain - Bangladesh - Barbados - Barbuda - Belarus - Belgium - Belize - Benin - Bermuda - Bhutan - Bolivia - Bosnia & Herzegovina - Botswana - Brazil - British Antarctic Territory - British Indian Ocean Territory - Brunei - Bulgaria - Burkina Faso - Burma - Burundi and the following entities: United Nations - New York, United Nations - Geneva, United Nations - Vienna.

The list of 2025 updates for Volume 1 has been revealed!

As always, countless updates were made across the entire catalog. Countries that received special attention during this year’s updates include the United States, United Nations, and countries of the world Aden through Australia and many more. Full details of this year's updates were announced in Linn’s Stamp News magazine, and are also available online here: What’s new for 2025 Scott Standard Volume 1?.

Every year, our philatelic team (who work on both the Scott Catalogue and Linn’s Stamp News) work tirelessly to catalog all the new issues and update values for stamp listings throughout each volume. Because the world is a big place, our editors can’t cover all the philatelic activities for every nation every year. That’s why we publish these announcements detailing just which areas received the most attention, so collectors like you can be aware of what changes await you inside.

About Us

Amos Media is the longtime publisher of the Scott Catalogue and operator of Amos Advantage. Headquartered in Sidney, Ohio, USA, Amos Media has been serving collectors since 1876.


We’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions about your print or digital order!

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