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All Your United Nations Stamps...

... Plus the enhanced detail only available in a Specialized Catalogue. If you collect United Nations stamps, there's no better resource than this Specialized Scott Catalogue.

This catalog contains all the simplified UN listings from the Essential Volume in which United Nations appears (Volume 1, countries A-B plus US and UN) ... but with greater focus that is only available in specialized listings.

The additional specialized detail is born out with additional images of different versions of each stamp. Plus, the UN Specialized includes the following sections, all with Specialized detail:

  • Semi-Postal Stamps
  • Air Post stamps
  • Envelopes
  • Air Post Envelopes and Air Letter Sheets
  • Postal Cards
  • Air Post Postal Cards

This catalog also includes listings and values for first-day covers, inscription blocks, panes and more. Separate sections are included for the Offices in New York, Geneva and Vienna, and U.N. souvenir cards, U.N. Proofs, and U.N. Temporary Executive Authority of West New Guinea, U.N. Transitional Authority in East Timor and U.N. Interim Administration in Kosovo.

Shop UN Specialized Scott Stamp Catalogues NOW

New in 2022

The United Nations specialized listings that were formerly included in the ever-growing United States Specialized Scott Catalogue can now be found ONLY within this separate, standalone product, beginning in May 2022 with the release of the 2023 UN Specialized Scott Catalogue.

Due to the limited number of pages we can reasonably pack into each of our catalogs, we periodically reorganize the catalogs to make sure we have room for all the new content to fit in each year. As each catalog continues to grow each year, we hold off on separating the listings until it is no longer feasible to keep them together in 1 large publication.

Based on the popularity of the United Nations region, it made sense for us to offer these popular listings separately, in a catalog of their own. Now, collectors of the UN have the opportunity save versus purchasing the entire US Specialized Catalogue, which continues to be available as well.

While Supplies Last

When we publish a catalog, we produce a limited print run that we think will satisfy our global audience of collectors. Occasionally, demand exceeds even our expectations, and we sell out all of the copies we've published.

But there's no need to worry, we've got plenty of other options for you to consider if and when a catalog goes out of stock:

  • Get all the same content, in a Digital format packed with more features. For the UN Specialized listings, you'll find them in our United States Specialized Digital Subscription, which also includes specialized listings for the United States.

  • Get simplified UN Listings via the Scott Catalogue Volume 1 (Countries A-B, plus US and UN), also available in print (while supplies last) and as a Digital Subscription.

  • Look forward to the next publication of the Scott UN Specialized Catalogue. Stay tuned to Amos Advantage (and sign up for the free newsletter) to be the first to know about the next release, and secure your copy before it sells out... again!

Which United Nations Listings Are Right For You? 

United Nations collectors have a variety of Scott Catalogues to choose from. We've made it so you get the final say over what regions you want, the level of detail and the format you prefer.

Here's a handy guide to the comprehensive United Nations offerings:

  • Untited Nations Specialized, Printed Edition - The ONLY way to get specialized listings of United Nations in a printed format. Available further down this page.

  • United States Specialized, Digital Subscription - While the United Nations specialized listings were spun off to their own printed publication, they continue to be included (at no extra charge) within the digital format as part of the United States Digital Subscription. 

  • Scott Catalogue Volume 1 (Countries A-B, plus United States and United Nations) - This volume contains the simplified listings for the United Nations, and is available in both printed & digital formats.

  • Scott Catalogue Regional British Commonwealth Volume, Digital Subscription - This regional volume collects simplified listings for British Commonwealth territories from across the globe and is ideal for collectors who focus on this region but have no need for the other countries of the world that would otherwise be available should you purchase all A-Z countries of the world.

About Us

Amos Media is the longtime publisher of the Scott Catalogue and operator of Amos Advantage. Headquartered in Sidney, Ohio, USA, Amos Media has been serving collectors since 1876.


We’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions about your print or digital order!

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