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Scott Catalogue Digital Vol 1

Scott Catalogue Digital Vol 1

Item #: ECAT1D

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Scott Digital Standard Catalogue Volume 1 (U.S. & Countries A-B)

This product is a subscription for a 1-year period from purchase date. No physical copy will be sent in the mail.


This is a digital subscription for the stated volume of the Scott Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue with the most current information of this essential worldwide catalog. Volume 1 includes simplified listings for the United States and United Nations. Volume 1 also includes listings for countries of the world Aden through B countries of the world. More detailed U.S. listings (to include sections not included in the Volume 1 listings, such as postal cards and essays and proofs) and U.N. listings are found in the Scott Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps and Covers.

  • Each country is a separate item within a larger library of the Volume’s contents
  • Thousands of value changes updated annually
  • NEW stamp listings added annually
  • Many editorial enhancements
  • Global search capability within and across subscriptions to multiple Volume 1 through 6 catalogs

See the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for questions about the Scott digital catalogs.

Volume 1 contains stamp information on the following countries:

United States - Afghanistan - Aitutaki - Albania - Algeria - Andorra (French / Spanish) - Angola - Anguilla - Antigua - Argentina - Armenia - Aruba - Ascension - Australia - Australian Antarctic Territory - Austria - Azerbaijan - Bahamas - Bahrain - Bangladesh - Barbados - Barbuda - Belarus - Belgium - Belize - Benin - Bermuda - Bhutan - Bolivia - Bosnia & Herzegovina - Botswana - Brazil - British Antarctic Territory - British Indian Ocean Territory - Brunei - Bulgaria - Burkina Faso - Burma - Burundi and the following entities: United Nations - New York, United Nations - Geneva, United Nations - Vienna.

About Amos Media

Amos Media is the long-time publisher of the Scott Catalogue and operator of Amos Advantage. Headquartered in Sidney, Ohio, USA, Amos Media has been serving collectors since 1876.

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