Save BIG with Regional Scott Catalogues
With this regional catalog, you'll get the entire region while saving over 74%... and get all the digital features, annual updates and more. Find out everything included in this region below.
The Entirety of the British Commonwealth. One Convenient Catalogue.
The BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Regional Volume of the Scott Catalogue features more than 160 stamp-issuing entities and comprises listings for Great Britain, British Commonwealth territories and colonies, and countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and numerous Caribbean nations with connections to the British Empire.
Read on to learn about everything this volume includes...
The Power of SIX Volumes. For One Low Price.
When you inspect the full list of countries (below) found within each of these regions, you'll find they consist of countries spread across the alphabet. That means you'd need to get all 6 of the alphabetical volumes to have access to the countries found within this single Regional Volume.
And with those six volumes, you'll of course have the most complete, most powerful stamp collecting resource there is.
But we understand not everyone needs such a complete resource.
That's exactly why we created this new Regional Volume: so you can get the countries you need and not the countries you don't.
And when you subscribe to the British Commonwealth regional catalog, you'll save over 74% versus subscribing to all six of the alphabetical volumes you'd otherwise need to get access to the countries in this curated volume.

Backed by Our Risk Free Guarantee.
We're so confident you'll enjoy everything this digital subscription has to offer that we've created a Risk Free Guarantee:
If you're not satisfied FOR ANY REASON, just let us know within 5 days of your purchase and get a FULL refund.
No questions asked. That's our promise.
Plus, we've got a straightforward refund policy for those who wish to cancel later. Find out more.
Digital Makes Regional Volumes Possible
Every year, we publish a new set of Printed Editions of the Scott Catalogue. The printed editions cover the whole world alphabetically, while being broken up into 6 different parts. This is necessary due to their size. And we know as well as anyone that the alphabetical listings don't always suit everyone's needs.
That's where digital comes in. With the digital subscription, we're able to curate and maintain region-specific catalogs. Without needing to commit to excess print runs at hefty price points.
All of this combined makes it possible for us to provide the Regional Volumes to you as digital subscriptions.
With your Scott Digital Catalogue Subscription, you can tap into the power of these catalogs like never before: search with ease, see more images, travel lighter, zoom in on high resolution, automatic updates, the Identifer and so much more. Learn more about the Scott Digital Catalogue Subscription.

What’s in the BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Regional Volume?
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH includes over 160 locations past and present. The full list of countries included are as follows:
Abu Dhabi - Aden - Aitutaki - Alderney - Anguilla - Antigua - Ascension - Australia - Bahamas - Bahrain - Bangladesh - Barbados - Barbuda - Basutoland - Batum - Bechuanaland - Bechuanaland Protectorate - Belize - Bermuda - Botswana - British Antarctic Territory - British Central Africa - British Columbia and Vancouver Island - British East Africa - British Guiana - British Honduras - British Indian Ocean Territory - Brunei - Burma - Bushire - Cameroons - Canada - Cape of Good Hope - Cayman Islands - Christmas Island - Cocos (Keeling) Islands - Cook Islands - Crete, British Administration - Cyprus - Dominica - East Africa & Uganda Protectorates - Egypt - Falkland Islands - Fiji - Gambia - German East Africa - Ghana - Gibraltar - Gilbert & Ellice Islands - Gilbert Islands - Gold Coast - Great Britain - Great Britain Offices Abroad - Grenada - Griqualand West - Guernsey - Guyana - Heligoland - Hong Kong - India - India - Convention States - India - Feudatory States - Ionian Islands - Isle of Man - Jamaica - Jersey - Jordan - Kenya - Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania - Kiribati - Kuwait - Labuan - Lagos - Leeward Islands - Lesotho - Madagascar - Malawi - Malaya - Malaysia - Maldive Islands - Malta - Mauritius - Mesopotamia - Montserrat - Mozambique - Namibia - Natal - Nauru - Nevis - New Britain - New Brunswick - New Guinea - New Hebrides - New Republic - New Zealand - Newfoundland - Niger Coast Protectorate - Nigeria - Niue - Norfolk Island - North Borneo - North West Pacific Islands - Northern Nigeria - Northern Rhodesia - Nova Scotia - Nyasaland Protectorate - Oman - Orange River Colony - Pakistan - Palestine - Papua New Guinea - Penrhyn Island - Pitcairn Islands - Prince Edward Island - Qatar - Rhodesia - Rhodesia & Nyasaland - Rwanda - Samoa - Sarawak - Seychelles - Sierra Leone - Singapore - Solomon Islands - Somaliland Protectorate - South Africa - South Arabia - South Georgia - South-West Africa - Southern Nigeria - Southern Rhodesia - Sri Lanka - St. Christopher - St. Helena - St. Kitts - St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla - St. Lucia - St. Vincent - Stellaland - Straits Settlements - Sudan - Swaziland - Tanganyika - Tanzania - Tobago - Togo - Tokelau Islands - Tonga - Transvaal - Trinidad - Trinidad and Tobago - Tristan da Cunha - Trucial States - Turks and Caicos - Turks Islands - Tuvalu - Uganda - United Arab Emirates - Vanuatu - Virgin Islands - Zambia - Zanzibar - Zimbabwe - Zululand
Still Not Sure? Experience it yourself with this FREE Demo
Sometimes you just need to see for yourself. That's why we created this Free Demo. When you claim your Free Demo, you'll be able to see exactly how your digital subscription will look. The demo has sample countries from all 6 of our volumes. Don't wait, see it for yourself when you claim your Free Demo now!
Includes the Scott Stamp Illustrated Identifier
The Scott Stamp Illustrated Identifier is your guide to identifying a stamp’s region. This is especially helpful for stamps that do not have English words on them. The Identifier includes illustrated, color pictures of stamps or parts of stamps as well as narratives about stamp symbols unique to specific countries of the world.
The Identifier ($12.99 value) has been published as a standalone publication since the 2022 edition of the Scott Catalogues, when it was separated from the main catalogs in order to make more room for the growing number of new and updated listings. We’re pleased to be able to continue to include it in digital subscriptions as an added value.
Your Risk-Free Guarantee
We're so confident you'll enjoy everything this digital subscription has to offer that we've created a Risk-Free Guarantee. If you're not satisfied, just let us know within 5 days of your purchase and get a full refund. Find out more about the Risk-Free Guarantee and answers to other common questions in our Frequently Asked Questions section.
Automatic Updates Every Year
Just like the updates you’ve come to expect with our long-running annual alphabetical print editions, you can look forward to the same in your digital subscription. Remember, your digital subscription automatically updates with the latest:
- Value changes (thousands per year)
- NEW stamp listings
- Many editorial enhancements
It's a big world and there are many issuers of stamps to keep track of. To make sense of it all, we've adopted a predictable schedule to when listings for a given country update, and it's a schedule long-time Scott Catalogue customers will recognize...
The Regional Volume Update Schedule
Listings in the Regional Volumes will update at the same time as its corresponding alphabetical volume release. This means a location starting with the letter "G" (i.e. Great Britain) will be updated when the alphabetical catalog containing locations starting with that letter is released.
For example, Scott Catalogue Volume 3 is released in June annually, and includes updated values & listings for locations G through I. And so, Great Britain listings in your Regional Volume would be updated in June.
Meanwhile, the letter "N" (i.e. New Zealand) is released in August, so the New Zealand listings in your Regional Volume would be updated in August.
With all the locations of the world, and 10's of thousands of updates per volume per year, there's a lot to keep track of. But you don't need to. Because it all happens automatically. Your Digital Subscription will update on it's own, and no action is needed on your part. Want to know more about the schedule? Learn more about the Scott Catalogue release schedule here.
About Us
Amos Media is the longtime publisher of the Scott Catalogue and operator of Amos Advantage. Headquartered in Sidney, Ohio, USA, Amos Media has been serving collectors since 1876.
We’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions about your print or digital order!