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MInkus Worldwide Global Part 2: 2019

Item #: MGL219

Available On Demand


Minkus International Album Pages: Part 2 for stamps released through 2018 (United Nations & Countries L-Z).
This is a brand new Minkus Album Supplement covering regular postage, semi-postal and air post issues (excluding souvenir sheets) for 2018.

Countries that are included in this album:

Laos - Latvia - Lebanon - Liberia - Liechtenstein - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Macao - Macedonia - Malaysia - Maldive Islands - Malta - Marshall Islands - Mauritius - Mexico - Moldova - Monaco - Montenegro - Morocco - Nepal - Netherlands - Aruba - Curaco - St. Martin - New Caledonia - New Zealand - Ross Dependency - Nigeria - Norfolk Island - Norway - Oman - Pakistan - Panama - Papua New Guinea - Paraguay - Peru - Philippines - Pitcairn Islands - Poland - Portugal - Azores - Madeira - Romania - Russia - St. Helena - St. Pierre and Miquelon - St. Vincent - Salvador - San Marino - Serbia - Sierra Leone - Singapore - Slovakia - Slovenia - South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands - Spain - Sri Lanka - Surinam - Swaziland - Sweden - Switzerland - Tajikistan - Thailand - Trinidad and Tobago - Tristan da Cunha - Tunisia - Turkey - Ukraine - United Arab Emirates - United Nations-New York - United Nations-Geneva - United Nations-Vienna - Uruguay - Uzbekistan - Vatican City - Wallis and Futuna

A number of countries are on hold until further issues to be released.  To see these countries, please refer to the title page.

Size: 9.5 x 11.25
Hole Punch: 3-Ring & 2-Post (round)
Series: Global
Page Count: 187 Double-Sided Pages

Looking for U.S. & Countries A-K? Check out Minkus International Album Pages: Part 1(U.S. & Countries A-K)

Item Specifications

Item Subjects: Minkus, Worldwide

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