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Scott US Minuteman 2014 #46

Scott US Minuteman 2014 #46

Item #: 180S014

Size: 9.125 x 11.19
Hole Punch: 3-Ring & 2 Round Post
Series: Minuteman


Scott Minuteman Album Pages: US Minuteman 2014 Supplement #46 A total of 18 pages are included in this supplement. Pages 1, 2 and 3 update and replace pages for changes made in the Scott Catalogue listings for Scott Numbers 134 -144 and the I Grills and Scott numbers 319F and 320A Page 4 is a replacement for those who would like to show the entire block of 10 of Scott 4763a from last year’s supplement (Supplement #45). The space for Scott 4905a on page 11 has been left blank to allow collectors to mount the block of 8 vertically or horizontally with selvage, or the entire pane of 16 if desired. On page 12 for Scott 4910 and 4911 we have shown the vertical se-tenant pair and allowed space on the page to mount the horizontal pair if that is preferred.

This supplement is complete with all listings through the January 2015 Scott New Issues

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