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Scott International Part 02A: 1940-1949 US - Jamaica

Item #: 802P149


Scott International Album Pages: Part 2A 1940-1949 (368 double sided pages). These pages contain spaces for stamps from the following countries: United States; Aden, Kathiri State of Seiyun, Qu'aiti State of Shirh and Mukalla; Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Andorra; Angola; Antigua; Argentina; Ascension; Australia; Austria; Bahamas; Bahrain; Barbados; Basutoland; Bechuanaland; Belgium; Bermuda; Bolivia; Brazil; British Guiana; British Honduras; British Solomon Islands; Brunei; Bulgaria; Burma; Cameroun; Canada; Canal Zone; Cape Juby; Cape Verde; Cayman Islands; Ceylon; Chile; China; Colombia; Congo; Cook Islands; Costa Rica; Croatia; Cuba; Cyprus; Czechoslovakia; Dahomey; Denmark; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Dutch Indies; Ecuador; Egypt; Estonia; Ethiopia; Falkland Islands; Falkland Islands Dependencies; Fiji; Finland; France; French Colonies; French Equatorial Africa; French Guiana; French Guinea; French India; French Morocco; French Polynesia; French Sudan; French West Africa; Gambia; Germany, Allied Military Government, French zone, Rhine Palatinate, Baden, Wurttemberg; Gibraltar; Gilbert and Ellice Islands; Gold Coast; Great Britain, Offices Abroad, Offices in Eritrea, Offices in East Africa, Offices in Tripolitania, Offices in Morocco; Greece; Greenland; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Guatemala; Haiti; Honduras; Hong Kong; Hungary; Iceland; Ifni; India, Indian Convention States, Indian Feudatory States; Indochina; Ionian Islands; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italian East Africa; Italy, Social Republic, Allied Military Government, Venezia Giulia, Rhodes; Ivory Coast; Jamaica. Binder, slipcase, binder label and glassine interleaving are sold separately.

The Scott International album series did not start including Scott numbers until 1971, starting with Part 8, with the exception of United States.

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