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Scott Specialized Catalogue Set 2024

Scott Specialized Catalogue Set 2024

Item #: C24SPECSET


You can now bundle and save big when purchasing this new kit from Amos Advantage. The Scott Specialized Catalogue Set includes;

2024 Scott Catalogue U.S. SPECIALIZED, Printed Edition

What's in the United States Specialized Volume?

The US Specialized Catalogue is our top selling volume of the Scott Catalogue, and rightfully so. Not only does it contain detailed listings of United States stamps, but you also get listings for:

  • Postal stationery
  • Revenue stamps
  • Hunting permit (duck) stamps
  • Essays
  • Trial color
  • Die and plate proofs
  • Confederate States of America
  • U.S. possessions and territories

Each of these sections of the catalog are separate items within a larger library of the Volume’s contents (postage, airmail, postage due, etc.).

With over 100 sections, it’s no surprise the Specialized Catalogue is our top selling volume.

2024 Scott Catalogue CLASSIC SPECIALIZED (WORLD 1840-1940), Printed Edition

What's in the Classic Specialized Volume?

This volume includes listings for the 350+ countries around the world where stamps were issued between the years of 1840-1940. Beginning with the first ever stamp issued in Great Britain in 1840, the Classic is the primary source for the issues of the first century of philately. 

In contrast to the standard catalogs (volumes 1-6), this unique volume provides further insight and greatly expanded information on early worldwide issues in the form of expanded listings. Expanded listings range from color varieties to paper varieties to individual never-hinged issues.

The Scott Classic Specialized Catalogue is also a major source for listings and values for covers, multiples (including strips and blocks of four) for select countries, stamps without gum as well as used pairs.

As we continue to research classic stamp issues each year, we are always adding new varieties to our existing listings. And of course, the Classic is always updated with the latest values for stamps from the years of 1840 to 1940.

Item Specifications

Category: Cyber Monday Sale, Stamp Cyber Monday Sale


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